11. Gurufiguren

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Uddrag af Guru Gita (”Læremesterens Sang”), en remse på 352 vers, der er overleveret mundtligt og først er indskudt i forskellige tekster i nyere tid. Den beskriver en samtale mellem hinduguden Shiva og hans hustru, hindugudinden Parvati, hvori hun beder ham om at lære hende om guruen.

Guru Gita 9; 18; 32 + 118

18. Always lovingly recollect the Guru's Divine form, constantly repeat the mantra the Guru has given. Follow the Guru’s guidance with your mind absorbed on nothing other than the Guru.
32. The Guru is Brahma, the Guru is Vishnu, the Guru is Siva. Indeed, the Guru is the Supreme Absolute. To that Guru I offer my reverent salutations.
9. The Guru is not different from pure, unbounded consciousness, the Self. This is the truth. Without a doubt, this is the truth. Knowing this, the wise ceaselessly strive to realize the true nature of the Guru.
118. Having become one with Brahman, one may abide anywhere, firm in that realization. Just as larvae unfold their true nature as bees by incessantly meditating on the nature of a bee, one who meditates on the Guru as Brahman becomes Brahman.

Trad. eng. of Jaganath Carrera in

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Maharishi Mahesh sammen med The Beatles

Fotografi af guruen og iværksætteren Maharishi Mahesh (1918-2008) sammen med det berømte band The Beatles (fra venstre: Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Ringo Starr og John Lennon). Billedet blev taget efter Maharishi Mahesh holdt et foredrag i London i august 1967, hvor The Beatles deltog.

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Forsidebillede af Time med Maharishi Mahesh

Forsiden af det berømte blad Time den 13. oktober 1975.
