6. Buddhism and Modernity

Source 1

Map of Buddhism diffusion in the World

Taken from “The Global Religious Landscape: A Report on the Size and Distribution of the World’s Major Religious Groups as of 2010.” Pew Research Center, Washington, D.C., December 2011
http://www.pewforum.org/2012/12/18/global-religious-landscape-exec/, Accessed 12/12/2014

A Map with the present-day diffusion of Buddhism throughout the world.

Source 2

The 14th Dalai Lama and USA President Barack Obama

public domain

Tenzin Gyatso, The 14th Dalai Lama in colloquium with U.S.A. President Barack Obama in 2014.

Source 3

A Zen Master's pro-war thoughts

1) What can be said is that liberation from birth and death does not consist of discarding one’s physical life, but rather, of discarding desire. There are various kinds of desire, including the desire for fame as well as the desire for wealth. Discarding desire, however, means giving up all forms of desire. Religion exists in the renunciation of all forms of desire. This is where the way is to be found. This is where Enlightenment is encountered. . . .
Expressed in terms of our Japanese military, it denotes a realm in which wherever the flag of our military goes there is no ordeal too great to endure, nor enemy numbers too numerous [to overcome]. I call this invoking the power of the military flag. Discarding one’s body beneath the military flag is true selflessness.

2) Zen master Dōgen said that we should discard our self. He taught that we should quietly engage in practice having forgotten our Self. Dōgen expressed this in the chapter entitled “Life and Death” of the Shōbōgenzō [A Treasury of the Essence of the True Dharma] as follows: “Simply discard body and mind and cast yourself into the realm of the Buddha. The Buddha will then serve as your guide, and if you follow the guidance given, you will free yourself from life and death, and become a Buddha, without any need to exert yourself either physically or mentally.” Expressed in different words, this means that the orders of one’s superiors are to be obeyed, regardless of content. It is in doing this that you immediately become faithful retainers of the emperor and perfect soldiers.

Sawaki Koōdō, “Shoji o Akirameru Kata” (The Method of Clarifying Life and Death) in the May 1944 issue of Daihorin, pp. 5-6, translated by Brian Victoria in "Zen Masters on the Battlefield (Part I)", The Asia-Pacific Journal, Vol. 11, Issue 24, No. 3, June 16, 2014.

These excerpts are quote from a 20th century Japanese Zen master, Sawaki Kōdō (1880-1965) who served as a soldier in the Imperial Army during the Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905). These words explains the relationship he saw between Buddhist faith and war.

Source 4

Soka Gakkai International official presentation

What is SGI?
Soka Gakkai International (SGI) is a lay Buddhist movement linking more than 12 million people around the world. SGI members integrate their Buddhist practice into their daily lives, following the Lotus Sutra based teachings of Nichiren, a 13th-century Japanese Buddhist priest. Just as the lotus blooms in a muddy pond, all people can manifest the Buddha nature--inner resources of courage, wisdom and compassion that can equip them to overcome life's challenges and lead happy and fulfilling lives. As "engaged Buddhists," SGI members aim to create value in any circumstances and contribute to the well-being of others. Their practice sparks a process of ongoing inner transformation and empowerment known as "human revolution." The promotion of peace, culture and education is central to SGI's activitie

From http://www.sgi.org/about-us/what-is-sgi.html (accessed 12/12/2014)

The English, on-line presentation of Soka Gakkai, a modern Japanese Buddhist movement, very diffused throughout the world. It is one of the larger Japanese new religions.

Source 5

Trailer of Zen Buddhism in America (video)

A trailer of a documentary about Zen Buddhism in America that shows interesting changes of Buddhism in order to adapt to new cultural environment.

Zen in America | OFFICIAL TRAILER 2014
Directed by Adam Ko Shin Tebbe,