Guidelines for Teachers

Introduction for teachers

This module aims to present the basic common features of Buddhism throughout the world in its doctrinal, ritual and social aspects. Section 1 introduces a short definition of Buddhism, it's origin and main branches. Section 2 presents the life of the founder, Siddharta Gautama. Sections 3 and 4 present the core doctrinal concepts of Buddhism. Afterwards, teachers could opt for a more doctrinal viewpoint, focusing on the characteristics of the three main branches of Buddhism using sections 5, 6 and 7. Alternatively, sections 8, 9 and 10 deal more with the religious practices and the presence of Buddhism in society. Another option is using the above "Summary of arguments, divided by themes" to create thematic itineraries.

Conceptual (Knowledge) objectives

  • C. O. 1: To Understand the origin and meaning of the term "Buddhism".
  • C. O. 2: To Understand the basic concepts of Buddhism and their relationships: Karma, Samsara, Nirvana, Enlightenment, Wisdom, Compassion and Skillful Means; to know the characteristic of the main holy figures: Historical Buddha, Supramundane Buddhas, Arhat, Bodhisattva
  • C. O. 3: To Understand the basic role of Buddhism in society
  • C. O. 4: To know the various modalities of religious practices and their meanings
  • C. O. 5: To know the basic doctrinal, historical and geographical differences between Theravada, Mahayana and Vajrayana Buddhism.


  • S. 1: To be able to read and understand the basic information from Buddhist religious texts, symbols and monuments
  • S. 2: To be able to analyze the basic iconography of the main holy figures
  • S. 3: To be able to use properly technical terms like myth, ritual, festival in relation to the context of Buddhism
  • S. 4: To be able to use and connect in a critical way the information gained through this module to other disciplinary and cultural contexts

Additional general info


Harvey, P. (2012). An Introduction to Buddhism:

Teachings, History and Practices (2nd Edition). Cambridge University Press, Cambrigde,


Kitagawa, J. M. (2014). “Buddhism” in Encyclopaedia Britannica. Hentet fra:, updated 8-11-2014.

Patheos Labs (s.d.). “Religion Library: Buddhism” in Patheos Library. Hosting the Conversation on Faith. Hentet fra: ,, on 30-11-2014.

Other didactic resources

Summary of arguments, linked to student view sections