- Diskutér i klassen, på grundlag af din/jeres viden andre steder fra og fra nyhedsmedier, motivationen bag dette terror angreb.
- Hvilke slags mennesker og fænomener udgjorde målet for Breiviks aktion?
- Hvilken litteratur byggede Breivik sine tanker på?
- Hvilken plads har kristendommen i hans forestillinger?
- Hvorfor angreb Breivik magtsymboler såsom regeringsbygninger og en politisk ungdomslejr?
- Har der været voldelige angreb mod forskellige religiøse og/eller etniske grupper i dit eget land? Find oplysninger om motivationen bag de pågældende handlinger og undersøg, hvordan idéen om og frygten for ”det fremmede” indgår.
For teachers
5. Kulturel fundamentalisme som reaktion på islam og multikulturalisme
Anders Behring Breivik, a man of Novergian origin, who planned and made terroristic attacks on Oslo and in the island of Utøya in Norway in 2011.
First a car bomb exploded a short distance from a building complex that housed numerous government offices, including those of Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg in Oslo. Stoltenberg was unharmed in the explosion. One hour and a half after the bomb detonated in Oslo, Breivik shoots people with an automatic rifle and a pistol in a youth camp hosted by the Norwegian Labour Party in the island of Utøya. Most people were teenagers.
Breivik's thought was of extreme-right wing nature and was against multiculturalism and Islamic immigration in Norway, in fact he was active on neo-Nazi and anti-Islamic Web sites. Before terrorist attacking he wrote the treaty that was filled with anti-Islamiclanguage and imagery evoking the Crusades and the Templar religious military order.
Besides, he spent several years amassing funds to finance what he called his “martyrdom operation”. Stating that the Labour Party had failed to prevent the “cultural Marxism” (multiculturalism) and a “Muslim takeover,” Breivik sought to precipitate an armed revolt. His attack on the Labour Party youth camp was designed to limit the party’s ability to recruit in the future. He intended to target former Labour Prime minister Gro Harlem Brundtland, who delivered a speech at Utøya just hours before the massacre.
Breivik developed his thought in the treaty referring literature about clash of civilizations, Muslims seen as conquerors of Europe (Eurabia) and multiculturalism as a threat to Occident or Christian culture. In sum, it is a literature aimed to demonize the "Other". At any rate, it is very difficult to consider this event based on a form of Christian Fundamentalism. In fact, in his “2083: A European Declaration of Independence” , Christianity is explicitly conceived as a something that can provide identity, moral basis and mythical imaginery (such as "Crusades" or "Templar Knight") for Europe against the Muslim threat, but not a theocratic guidance. Therefore his thought can be categorized as a form of Cultural Fundamentalism, based on the belief of a homogenous, a-historical European culture, that must be defended at all cost.
Religion og Fundamentalisme
5. Kulturel fundamentalisme som reaktion på islam og multikulturalisme
Anders Behring Breivikplanlagde og gennemførte terroristangreb mod Oslo og øen Utøya i Norge i 2011 . Hans terroristangreb dræbte 77 personer, de fleste teenagere, som deltog i Socialdemokratiets ungdomslejr.
To billeder af terroristisk fundamentalisme i Norge
Anders Behring Breivik
http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anders_Breivik#mediaviewer/File:Anders_Breivik.jpg (07/08/2014) CC BY 2.0
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(07/08/2014) CC BY 2.0