Introduction to Christianity II. Themes
Table of Contents

  • 1
    Source 1: iconostasis, Kiev Monastery of the Caves (Pechersk Lavra) (picture)
    Source 2: Protestant church, Orange (France) (image)
    Source 3: Collegiate church Notre-Dame des Anges, l’Isle-sur-la-Sorgue                 (France) (image) (image)
  • 2
    Source 1: Eusebius of Caesarea, Ecclesiastical History (text)
    Source 2: a. Gospel according to Matthew (text)
    b. Sarcophagus depicting the Nativity (end of 4th c.). Musée de                  l’Arles antique (image)
    c. Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew (text)
  • 3

    Source 1: The Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed (381) (text)
    Source 2: The ecumenical councils [table]
    Source 3: Apostolic constitution Munificentissimus Deus (November 1, 1950)                  (text)

  • 4

    Source 1: Retable « the Seven Sacraments », attributed to Rogier van der                  Weyden, 1440-1444. Musée des Beaux-Arts, Antwerp (Belgium).                  (image)
    Source 2: Catechism of the Catholic Church (text)

  • 5

    Source 1: a. Christ as the good shepherd (early Christian sculpture) (image)
                    b. The Crucifixion (14th c.) (image)
                    c. Christ in majesty (Chartres Cathedral) (image)
    Source 2: a. Madonna and Child (13th c.) (image)
                    b. Virgin and Child (Murillo) (image)
    Source 3: a. The Lamentation (Scipione Pulzone) (image)
                    b. Isaac blessing Jacob (Gerbrand van Eeckhout) (image)

  • 6

    Source 1: Decision n°8, extraordinary session of the 68th national synod of                  the French Reformed Church (Clermont-Ferrand, April 29-30,                  1966) (text)
    Source 2: Catholic priests during the liturgy (image)
    Source 3: Orthodox priest during the liturgy (image)

  • 7

    Source n°1: Travels of Egeria (text)
    Source n°2: Translation of Saint Stephen’s relics (image)
    Source n°3: Calvin, Treatise on Relics (text)

  • 8

    Source n°1: Plan of Saint Gall (image)
    Source n°2: Bull Solet annuere (Regula bullata) (text)
    Source n°3: The foundation of Lavra (text)