Introduction to Christianity I. History of Christianity - Table of Contents
1Source 1: a. Flavius Josephus, Jewish Antiquities (text)
b. Tacitus, Annals (text)
Source 2: Paul, Epistle to the Galatians (text)
Source 3: Didache (text) -
2Source 1: The Martyrdom of Polycarp (text)
Source 2: Justin Martyr, The First Apology (text)
Source 3: Eusebius of Caesarea, Ecclesiastical History (text) -
3Source 1: Libanius, For the Temples (text)
Source 2: Augustine of Hippo, Confessions (text) -
4Source 1: a. Sylvester and Constantine (image)
b. The Donation of Constantine (text)
Source 2: The Church Militant and the Church Triumphant (image)
Source 3: Bull Vigilantia universalis (text)
5Source 1: Canons of the Council in Trullo (text)
Source 2: Iconostasis in the Church of Saint Gregory Palamas (image)
6Source 1: Martin Luther, The 95 Theses (text)
Source 2: a. Lucas Cranach the Elder, Law and Grace (image)
b. Martin Luther, Concerning Christian Liberty (text)
c. Canons on justification (council of Trent) (text)
7Source 1: Syllabus of Errors. (text)
Source 2: Rerum novarum. (text)
Source 3: Caricature from Le rire, 20th may 1905. (image) -
8Source 1: Encyclical Ecclesiam suam (text)
Source 2: a. Decree on ecumenism (text)
b. Declaration on the relations of the Church the non-Christian religions (text) -
9Source 1: a The Christian churches in the World [map]
b The proportion of Christians in the World [map]
Source 2: Evangelicalism in Brasil (text)