Introduction to Judaism II. Themes
Table of Contents

  • 1

    Source 1: A Sefer Torah and a Yad [image]
    Source 2: A study room in a yeshiva [image]

  • 2

    Source  1: A model of the Tabernacle [image]
    Source 2a: A model of the Temple in Jerusalem at the time of Herod the Great                  [image]
    Source 2b: The Temple Mount today [image]
    Source 3a: The synagogue of Vilnius, Lithuania [image]
    Source 3b: The synagogue of Essaouira, Morocco [image]
    Source  4: A young American Jew on the day of his bar-mitsva [image]

  • 3

    Source 1: Jan Provoost, Abraham, Sarah and the angel (1520) [image]
    Source 2: A Talmud page [image]
    Source 3: Mendelssohn and Lessing [image]
    Source 4: Eliezer Ben-Yehuda at his desk [image]

  • 4

    Source 1: A Jew blowing the shofar [image]
    Source 2: Bernard Picart, Sephardic Jews celebrating Sukkot (1728) [image]
    Source 3: A Ketubah dated 5671 (1911) [image]
    Source 4: Moritz Daniel Oppenheim, The Marriage [image]

  • 5

    Source  1: The Psalm Manuscript [image]
    Source 2a: A Jewish couple from Brousse, Turkey, in 1873 [image]
    Source 2b: Yemenite Jews in Sa’dah, Yemen, in 1986 [image]
    Source  3: A Jewish school in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, in the early twentieth                 century [image]
    Source 4: Jews from Kaifeng, China, reading the Torah [image]

  • 6

    Source 1: A representation of the city of Jerusalem (1493) [image]
    Source 2: A gathering of Jews at the Western Wall for Shavuot [image]

  • 7

    Source 1: Eugène Delacroix, Jacob wrestling with the angel (1861) [image]
    Source 2: The synagogues in the Diaspora in the first and second centuries                  AD [map]