Introduction à l'étude des religions: la religion comparée
Auteur (s)
An adoption and partial rewrite by Tim Jensen and Karna Kjeldsen of an English draft version of an introduction to Horisont -a textbook for the Danish upper-secondary school RE, edited by Associate Professors Annika Hvithamar and Tim Jensen, and Upper-Secondary School teachers Allan Ahle and Lene Niebuhr, published by Gyldendal, Copenhagen 2013. The original introduction was written by Annika Hvithamar and Tim Jensen based on contributions from J. Podemann Sørensen.
Département d'étude des religions, Université du Danemark méridional
Thanks are extended to the publisher, Gyldendal, as well as to our upper-secondary school IERS partner, Nyborg Gymnasium, for allowing us to use the material and the draft English translation as the basis for this adoption as well for the assistance in the production of this module
Ce module propose une introduction aux concepts et aux typologies importants développés et utilisés comme outils pour étudier de façon comparée les religions dans une perspective de sciences des religions. Le module se concentre sur les mythes, le sacrifice et le processus rituel et présente des exemples d'analyse de ces domaines dans différentes religions.