Guidelines for Teachers
Introduction for teachers
The Middle Ages are usually viewed as a time of great hostility between Christianity and Dar al-Islam (land of Islam). However, Arab-Muslim Spain (Al-Andalus) and the Norman Kingdom of Sicily were havens of peace characterized by the coexistence of the three monotheisms, tolerance and rich cultural exchanges. This module will analyze these two cases and show to what extent we can speak about a harmonious coexistence and cultural exchange, and what “tolerance” really means
Conceptual (Knowledge) objectives
C.O.1: Understand tolerance in the Middle Ages, its importance and its limits.
C.O.2: Understand the significance and the limits of cultural exchanges in Spain and Sicily.
S.1: Be able to put these concepts in context to avoid making anachronisms.
S.2: Be able to discuss in a nuanced manner the historical periods in question as “golden ages”.
C1: To approach the phenomena of migration and minorities in a critical way.
C2: Recognize the importance of religious practices as a tool for transmission of cultural identity in migration.
C3: To form an opinion about the rich plethora of immigrant cultures present in their own country.
Summary of arguments, linked to student view sections
Cultural exchanges
A Christian and a Muslim playing a game of chess [image] (section 2)
A Jew and a Muslim playing chess [image] (section 2)
A Christian and a Muslim playing a game of chess under a tent [image] (section 2)
Averroes conversing with the Greek philosopher Porphyry [image] (section 2)
The mosque-cathedral of Cordoba [image] (section 2)
King William II dedicating the Cathedral of Monreale to the Virgin Mary [image] (section 3)
Map from the Tabula Rogeriana by Muhammad al-Idrīsī [image] (section 3)
King Roger II in Arab dress [image] (section 3)
King Roger II in Byzantine dress [image] (section 3)
The life of Gerard of Cremona [text] (section 4)
Portrait of Al-Rāzī from a Latin manuscript [image] (section 4)
Preface by Peter the Venerable to the translation of the Quran [text] (section 4)History
The birth of Al-Andalus [map] (section 1)
The beginning of the Reconquista [map] (section 1)
The end of Al-Andalus [map] (section 1)
Lombards, Byzantines and Muslims [map] (section 1)
The Norman Conquest [map] (section 1)Islamic expansion
The birth of Al-Andalus [map] (section 1)Jews in non-Jewish context
A cantor reading the story of Passover [image] (section 2)Map
The birth of Al-Andalus [map] (section 1)
The beginning of the Reconquista [map] (section 1)
The end of Al-Andalus [map] (section 1)
Lombards, Byzantines and Muslims [map] (section 1)
The Norman Conquest [map] (section 1)Medieval Christianity
The mosque-cathedral of Cordoba [image] (section 2)Medieval Islam
The mosque-cathedral of Cordoba [image] (section 2)Medieval Judaism
A cantor reading the story of Passover [image] (section 2)
Medieval Sicily
Lombards, Byzantines and Muslims [map] (section 1)
The Norman Conquest [map] (section 1)
King William II dedicating the Cathedral of Monreale to the Virgin Mary [image] (section 3)
Map from the Tabula Rogeriana by Muhammad al-Idrīsī [image] (section 3)
King Roger II in Arab dress [image] (section 3)
King Roger II in Byzantine dress [image] (section 3)Medieval Spain
The birth of Al-Andalus [map] (section1)
The beginning of the Reconquista [map] (section 1)
The end of Al-Andalus [map] (section 1)
A Christian and a Muslim playing a game of chess [image] (section 2)
A Jew and a Muslim playing chess [image] (section 2)
A Christian and a Muslim playing a game of chess under a tent [image] (section 2)
Averroes conversing with the Greek philosopher Porphyry [image] (section 2)Medieval translations
The life of Gerard of Cremona [text] (section 4)
Preface by Peter the Venerable to the translation of the Quran [text] (section 4)Picture
A Christian and a Muslim playing a game of chess [image] (section 2)
A Jew and a Muslim playing chess [image] (section 2)
A Christian and a Muslim playing a game of chess under a tent [image] (section 2)
Averroes conversing with the Greek philosopher Porphyry [image] (section 2)
A cantor reading the story of Passover [image] (section 2)
The mosque-cathedral of Cordoba [image] (section 2)
King William II dedicating the Cathedral of Monreale to the Virgin Mary [image] (section 3)
Map from the Tabula Rogeriana by Muhammad al-Idrīsī [image] (section 3)
King Roger II in Arab dress [image] (section 3)
King Roger II in Byzantine dress [image] (section 3)
Portrait of Al-Rāzī from a Latin manuscript [image] (section 4)Reconquista
The beginning of the Reconquista [map] (section 1)
The end of Al-Andalus [map] (section 1)Text
The life of Gerard of Cremona [text] (section 4)
Preface by Peter the Venerable to the translation of the Quran [text] (section 4)