Guidelines for Teachers
Introduction to the module
This module comes as a complement to the first module on Christianity which focused on its history. It proposes to revert to certain topics and develop these, this within a framework that will lend itself to a comparative review with other religions. The goal is to understand that Christians today share a common foundation, and that this foundation became the object of many interpretations, and of diverse social and cultural inscriptions, throughout history. .
Conceptual (Knowledge) objectives
- C.O.1: Understand the differences between the main Christian Churches
- C.O.2: Know the main beliefs and practices of Christianity
- S.1: Be able to distinguish beliefs from practices
- S.2: Be able to distinguish texts from tradition
- S.3: Be able to compare the Christian churches and Christianity with other religions
Summary of arguments, linked to student view sections
Eastern Christianity
Iconostasis, Kiev Monastery of the Caves (Pechersk Lavra) (image) (sec.1)
Orthodox priest during the liturgy (image) (sec.6)
The foundation of Lavra (text) (sec.8)Church (building)
iconostasis, Kiev Monastery of the Caves (Pechersk Lavra) (image) (sec.1)
Protestant church, Orange (France) (image) (sec.1)
Collegiate church Notre-Dame des Anges, l’Isle-sur-la-Sorgue (France) (image) (sec.1)Image
iconostasis, Kiev Monastery of the Caves (Pechersk Lavra) (sec.1)
Protestant church, Orange (France) (sec.1)
Collegiate church Notre-Dame des Anges, l’Isle-sur-la-Sorgue (France) (sec.1)
Sarcophagus depicting the Nativity (end of 4th c.) (sec.2)
Retable « the Seven Sacraments », attributed to Rogier van der Weyden, 1440-1444. Musée des Beaux-Arts, Antwerp (Belgium). (sec.4)
The Crucifixion (14th c.) (sec.5)
Christ in majesty (Chartres Cathedral) (sec.5)
Madonna and Child (13th c.) (sec.5)
Virgin and Child (Murillo) (sec.5)
The Lamentation (Scipione Pulzone) (sec.5)
Isaac blessing Jacob (Gerbrand van Eeckhout) (sec.5)
Catholic priests during the liturgy (sec.6)
Orthodox priest during the liturgy (sec.6)
Translation of Saint Stephen’s relics (sec.7)
Plan of Saint Gall (sec.8)Protestantism
Protestant church, Orange (France)(image) (sec.1)
Decision n°8, extraordinary session of the 68th national synod of the French Reformed Church (Clermont-Ferrand, April 29-30, 1966) (text) (sec.6)
Calvin, Treatise on Relics (text) (sec.7)Catholicism
Chancel of a Catholic church (image) (sec.1)
Catholic priests during the liturgy (image) (sec.6)
Bull Solet annuere (Regula bullata) (text) (sec.8)
Christian writer
Eusebius of Caesarea, Ecclesiastical History (text) (sec.2)
Gospel according to Matthew (text) (sec.2)
Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew (text) (sec.2)
Travels of Egeria (text) (sec.7)
Calvin, Treatise on Relics (text) (sec.7)
The foundation of Lavra (text) (sec.8)Early Christianity
Eusebius of Caesarea, Ecclesiastical History (text) (sec.2)Bible
Eusebius of Caesarea, Ecclesiastical History (text) (sec.2)
Gospel according to Matthew (text) (sec.2)New Testament
Gospel according to Matthew (text) (sec.2)Christian holiday
Gospel according to Matthew (text) (sec.2)
Sarcophagus depicting the Nativity (end of 4th c.) (image) (sec.2)
Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew (text) (sec.2)Official document
The Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed (381) (text) (sec.3)
Apostolic constitution Munificentissimus Deus (November 1, 1950) (text) (sec.3)
Catechism of the Catholic Church (text) (sec.4)
Decision n°8, extraordinary session of the 68th national synod of the French Reformed Church (Clermont-Ferrand, April 29-30, 1966) (text) (sec.6)
Bull Solet annuere (Regula bullata) (text) (sec.8)Christianity
The Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed (381) (text) (sec.3)
The ecumenical councils [table] (sec.3)
Apostolic constitution Munificentissimus Deus (November 1, 1950) (text) (sec.3)
Catechism of the Catholic Church (text) (sec.4)
Christ as the good shepherd (early Christian sculpture) (image) (sec.5)
Travels of Egeria (text) (sec.7)
Translation of Saint Stephen’s relics (image) (sec.7)
Plan of Saint Gall (image) (sec.8)
Christian rites
Retable «the Seven Sacraments», attributed to Rogier van der Weyden, 1440-1444. Musée des Beaux-Arts, Antwerp (Belgium). (image) (sec.4)
Catholic priests during the liturgy (image) (sec.6)
Orthodox priest during the liturgy (image) (sec.6)Dogma
The Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed (381) (text) (sec.3)
The ecumenical councils [table] (sec.3)
Apostolic constitution Munificentissimus Deus (November 1, 1950) (text) (sec.3)
Catechism of the Catholic Church (text) (sec.4)Sculpture
Christ as the good shepherd (early Christian sculpture) (image) (sec.5)Mary
Madonna and Child (13th c.) (image) (sec.5)
Virgin and Child (Murillo) (image) (sec.5)Christ
Christ as the good shepherd (early Christian sculpture) (image) (sec.5)
The Crucifixion (14th c.) (image) (sec.5)
Christ in majesty (Chartres Cathedral) (image) (sec.5)
Madonna and Child (13th c.) (image) (sec.5)
Virgin and Child (Murillo) (image) (sec.5)
The Lamentation (Scipione Pulzone) (image) (sec.5)
Isaac blessing Jacob (Gerbrand van Eeckhout) (image) (sec.5)Modern Christianity
Decision n°8, extraordinary session of the 68th national synod of the French Reformed Church (Clermont-Ferrand, April 29-30, 1966) (text) (sec.6)Pilgrimage
Travels of Egeria (text) (sec.7)Relics
Translation of Saint Stephen’s relics (image) (sec.7)
Calvin, Treatise on Relics (text) (sec.7)Monasticism
Plan of Saint Gall (image) (sec.8)
Bull Solet annuere (Regula bullata) (text) (sec.8)
The foundation of Lavra (text) (sec.8)