8. Klostre og religiøse ordener
Munke og nonner tilhører ordensgejstligheden (også kaldet regulares): de er gejstlige, som har aflagt løfte om at følge særlige regler for deres livsførelse. Ordensgejstligheden består af religiøse ordener og menigheder, der adskiller sig fra hinanden med hensyn til de regler, de følger, eller i deres tolkninger af reglerne. Dette stemmer overens med det katolske syn på denne særlige livsførelse. Faktisk kender den ortodokse og den orientalske kirke kun til munkevæsen, som passer ind i en helt anden ramme. Med hensyn til den protestantiske reformation så forsøgte den helt at afskaffe klosterordener og religiøse ordener med det resultat, at disse næsten forsvandt fra denne gren af kristendommen. Ikke desto mindre findes der fortsat nogle klostersamfund, såsom de lutheranske og anglikanske, og siden 1800-tallet har protestantisk klosterliv undergået en genopblomstring, hvilket Taizé-fællesskabet er et eksempel på (se side 8 i modul 1 om kristendom).
Plantegning over Sankt Gallen
Planen over Sankt Gallen (Sankt Gallen-klostret i Schweiz) er unik. Den blev tegnet på Reichenau-klostret (i Tyskland) i 800-talletog blev tilegnet abbeden på Sankt Gallen-klostret, hvor dokumentet har ligget lige siden. Denne plan er en idealvision: det kloster, den viser, blev aldrig bygget. Ikke desto mindre giver tegningen værdifulde oplysninger om hverdagslivet i middelalderen samt klostrenes rolle i samtiden.

A. Store alter
B. Sankt Paulus’ alter
C. Sankt Peters alter
D. Kirkeskib
E. Paradis
F. Tårne
G. Korsgang
H. Varmestue, med sovesal på første sal
I. Necessarium
J. Abbedens hus
K. Spisesal
L. Køkken
M. Bageri og bryggers
N. Kælder
O. Talestue
P1. Skrivestue og bibliotek
P2. Sakristi
Q. Novicernes hus:
1. kapel;
2. spisesal;
3. varmestue;
4. sovesal;
5. mesterens rum;
6. soveværelser.
R. Hospital: 1-6 se ovenfor under ”Novicernes hus”;
S. Lægens hus
T. Lægeurtehave
U. Åreladningshus
V. Skole
W. Skolemesterens værelser
X1. Hus for fornemme besøgende
X2. Hus for fattige
Y. Hus for besøgende munke
Z. Fabrikken
a. Tærskegulv
b. Værksted
c. Møller / kværne
d. Brændingsovn / teglovn
e. Hestestald
f. Kostald
g. Gedestald
h. Svinesti
i. Fårefold
k. Sovesale for arbejdere og tjenere
l. Gartnerens hus
m. Hønsehus
n. Hønseholderens hus
o. Have
q. Bageri for messen
s. Køkkener
t. Bade
Moderne gengivelse af den oprindelige plan.
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Pavelig bulle: Solet annuere; Regula bullata:
Bullen Solet Annuere er Pave Honorius IIIs (1216-1227) bekræftelse af Frans af Assisis regler, heraf kendt som Regula Bullata (regler anerkendt ved pavelig bulle). En sådan bekræftelse var nødvendig, idet denne orden blev skabt ex nihilo og ikke støtter sig til nogen bearbejdet eller på anden måde allerede eksisterende orden. At der insisteres på hierarkisk kontrol, aflægges troskab til Rom og beskrives en ikke-påtrængende form for arbejde, som kendetegner franciskanere, hænger sammen med, at man ønskede at undgå beskyldninger om kætteri. Disse regler fremsætter ordenens vigtigste karakteristika: absolut fattigdom og forkyndelse.
1. The Rule and life of the Friars Minor is this, namely, to observe the Holy Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ, by living in obedience, without anything of one's own, and in chastity.
Friar Francis promises obedience and reverence to the Lord Pope Honorius and his canonically elected successors, and to the Roman Church; and the other friars are bound to obey Friar Francis and his successors.
2. If any would desire to adopt this life and would come to our brothers, let them send them to their Ministers provincial, to whom alone, and not to others, is the permission to receive friars conceded. Let the ministers indeed examine them diligently concerning the Catholic Faith and the sacraments of the Church […]. And let all the friars wear cheep clothing and be able to patch these with sack-cloth and other pieces with the blessing of God. I warn and exhort them, not to despise nor judge men, whom they see clothed with soft and colored clothes, using danty food and drink, but rather let each one judge and despise his very self […].
6. Let the Friars appropriate nothing for themselves, neither house nor place, nor any thing. And as pilgrims and exiles in this age let them go about for alms confidently, as ones serving the Lord in poverty and humility, nor is it proper that they be ashamed [to do so], since the Lord made Himself poor in this world for us. This is that loftiness of most high poverty, which has established you, my most dear Friars, as heirs and kings of the Kingdom of Heaven, making you poor in things, it has raised you high in virtues. Let this be your "portion", which leads you "into the land of the living". Cleaving totally to this, most beloved Friars, may you want to have nothing other under heaven in perpetuity, for the [sake of] the Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ […].
9. Let the friars not preach in the diocese of any bishop, when he has spoken against their [preaching]. And let no friar at all dare preach to the people, unless he will have been examined by the minister general of this fraternity and approved, and there be conceded to him by the same the office of preaching.
I also warn and exhort these same friars, that in preaching, that they do, their expressions be considered and chaste, for [sake of] the utility and edification of the people, by announcing to them vices and virtues, punishment and glory with brevity of speech […].
12. Let whoever of the friars who by divine inspiration wants to go among the saracens and other infidels seek permission for that reason from thier minister provincial. Indeed the ministers are to grant permission to go to none, except those whom seems to be fit to be sent.
For which sake I enjoin the ministers by obedience, to seek from the Lord Pope one of the cardinals of the Roman Church, who is to be the govenor, protector, and corrector of this fraternity, so that always subject and prostrate at the feet of this same Holy Church, stable in the Catholic Faith we may observe, what we have firmly promised: the poverty and humility and the Holy Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Bulle Solet Annuere (Regula Bullata), 1223.
Grundlæggelsen af Lavra
Dette dokument er et uddrag af en hagiografi, det vil sige en bog, hvis hensigt er at fremstille en bestemt person, hvis livshistorie fortælles, som hellig. Her drejer det sig om Athanasios af Athos, grundlæggeren af det store Megiste Lavra-kloster. Før klostrets grundlæggelse var Athos-bjerget primært et sted, hvor eneboere holdt til; faktisk kommer Athanasios først dertil for at føre et liv af denne slags. Grundlæggelsen af Megiste Lavra ændrer fuldstændigt bjergets karakter, og det bliver siden betragtet som det ”hellige bjerg”. Athanasios følger lavraens eksempel. Han bygger et kloster, hvor munkene vil være i stand til at leve et liv i klosterfællesskab. Det har desuden nogle munkeceller placeret et stykke vej fra munkeklostret, som var tiltænkt dem, der blev anset som værdige til at leve eneboerens liv. Athanasios’ arbejde rækker ud over det selvforsynende: tanken er klart at handle med overskuddet og sælge det med henblik på at skabe den indtægt, der skal til for at opretholde klostret og dets funktion. Den tidlige konstruktion af tilliggende bygninger, såkaldte metochi (i ental: metochion), vidner om klostrets indflydelse.
24. [Many disciples join Athanasius who has started to build a monastery]
25. With their assistance and their work, and with the help of the heavenly strength called by the prayers of Athanasius, a church was built, the finest that is, arranged in a cross shape and dedicated to our Most Holy Lady, the Mother of the Lord; it was flanked on either side by two small domed churches adapted to what suits oratories, one being dedicated to the Holy Forty Martyrs, the other one to Nicholas the Wonder-Worker [...]. After that, he began the constructions which he first had in mind: he built cells that were arranged in square around the church — in the middle of the cells placed side by side stood the church, like a overseeing eye. Then he prepared a refectory with twenty white marble tables for twelve guests each. He then founded an infirmary, a hotel and a bath for the sick.
The Lavra lacked water [...]. He undertook the digging of the ground and pierced the high and steep places, put pipes in ditches and brought a torrent of water from various locations to the monastery; he distributed it to the needs of different diaconiai [= services in the monasteries], made it flow to the cells and provided water to the different parts of the Lavra. Through pipes, he brought water to two mills with a reach, so fruit trees were well watered, the gardens irrigated, laundries for the brothers’ clothes filled and we could draw water for the animals.
It is not possible to speak in detail of all that concerns the other service buildings and churches, the planting of vines and trees, the construction of places of eremitism and cells for those living in the metochia of the mountain, making berthing areas in the port and all his other works [...].
26. After that, he began to establish rules and ecclesiastical arrangements for the proper ordering of the service of the soul, and how hymns to God should be sung following the passing of the hours of day and night.
Life of Saint Athanasius the Anthonite, redigeret af L. Petit, Analecta Bollandiana 25, 1906, s. 31 ff.